Based on extensive experience in business consultancy, business reengineering, and building business models on the web, we have decided to offer our clients a unique business service called CBM-3. We have named the service CBM-3 because our approach is all in one via perfection. Cyprus Best Mystery Shopping Services 3. What is this about?

- A unique mystery shopping service in Cyprus providing top quality consultancy report.

  • The scenario is known and agreed only with senior management. We agree on what is expected to be audited, and we then provide our own algorithm covering other areas in your business supported and documented with photos, questionnaires, interviews, areas of improvement, etc. This service is done by Christos Pashiardis, a senior consultant with over 30 years of experience.

- Information Security Penetration Service

  • From the guests wifi we will try and penetrate into other network zones, test your perimeter security thus accounts department, dbases, etc. A detailed report with all findings will be provided to senior management and their technical staff to improve/correct.

- Web site audit, SEO, social media

  • Provide ideas and solutions as to the backlinks, on line competitions, improved your SEO scoring and overall Social Media analysis.

More information on Cyprus mystery shopping services? Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us at +70001777


About eGroup Services Ltd

Specializing in Cyprus web solutions and internet marketing, Cyprus web design company, Egroup, has a global portfolio of clients across all verticals. One of our leading self owned projects is the B2B portal Cyprus Best companies. This is the largest business directory in Cyprus and every company listing enjoys an automated SEO in 300 Search Egnines worldwide.

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