Cyprus restaurants on line web solution, features to your Website for restaurant or help you creating an online restaurant web site with full features as to:
- Upload pictures
- Description, recipes
- Allow your customers to rate your food
- Share reviews and items on social sites like Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and Google plus
- This ultimately helps you to expand your network and increase your business
- Keep track of visitors to your site, popular articles, favorites and much more
- Create and manage Meal Served for Restaurants. (E.g. Dinner, buffet breakfast etc.)
- Create and manage Restaurant Facilities. (E.g. Home Delivery, Dine-In, Bar etc.)
- Create and manage Payment Methods accepted by Restaurant. (Paypal or JCC payment)
Advanced Graphical Reporting
- Graphical Reports help you better visualize the reports daily, weekly and monthly Includes Pie charts and Line Charts.
- Most Visited, Most Reviewed, Most Check-ins, and Most Favourite etc.
Restaurants and Menus
- Ability to create and manage unlimited Restaurants and their Menu.
- Ability to Signature Dish to your Restaurant.
- Ability to locate your Restaurant on Google Map by entering the Latitude and Longitude.
- Ability to upload Unlimited Photos of your Restaurant.
- You can also add a Video to your Restaurant by simply entering a YouTube Link.
- Ability to add Tags to your Restaurant.